Delivery methods
All orders over HK$1,000 are free shipping.
Delivery time
Estimated longer items are shipped from our warehouse within the specified time frame (eg, 7-10 business days)
Shipping and shipping estimates
The "ship" time frame is an estimate of when items are ready to be shipped and shipped from our warehouse. The items on your order will be shipped when they are available.
Text notification
Email notification.
What can you expect?
Once your order is shipped, the courier will send you a text message. The text message will contain a link to the tracking information.
Your privacy is important to TOA OUTDOOR STORE. Therefore, we have a privacy policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transmit and store your information.
Sign delivery
Most of our goods contain valuable computers. If you are not accepting product delivery at home, consider shipping your product to a place where someone you trust can sign for the package. For your convenience, you may wish to send an order to your office address. Please note that if you choose this option, you may leave the goods at the front desk or in the mail room. Delivery to the PO Box is not allowed for security reasons.
For postal delivery, no signature is required and order status tracking is not available.
-Please check all items before going out.
-If you want to change the color or style, please check with the store for the inventory of the goods.
-Can be exchanged once in 7 days
-Rucksack goods need to know: ensure brand new, keep bags, don't cut cards
-Other goods exchange needs to know: brand new and do not cut cards
-All website content of the above are for academic purposes and have no commercial use."